For higher education students, a laptop is often more than just a computer for homework and social media: it’s a portable archive of their lives.
As a result, students are careful and selective when it comes to laptops, especially when they have specific needs to cater to.
When asked if they preferred a Mac or a PC for a laptop, most students opted for a Mac.
“I love my Mac,” says Tara Daniels, a graduate of Stonehill College. “I haven’t had any problems with it and have had it for five years. It’s just starting to slow down now, but I love it because it has lasted through a lot with me (hospital stays, high school, college), and it automatically syncs with my other Apple products.”
Some students said they prefer Mac laptops because of their easy-to-use settings and durability.
“[I use a] Mac because it is easy to use and lasts forever,” says Krystyanna Ramsdell, a graduate of Northeastern University. “I have had my most recent Mac for almost six years. [It’s] slowing down a bit because I treat it [poorly, but] it’s never had an issue and I can do anything I need to do on it.”
Other students, like Mette Angerhofer-Holden, prefer Macs because of their sleek exterior and resistance to viruses.
“I love my Mac,” says Angerhofer-Holden, a student at Pine Manor College. “It’s pretty, plus I’ve never had any issues with viruses like I did with my PC.”
Marilyn Mercado says she prefers a Mac because of its lengthy life span, and user-friendly updates.
“Macs are more reliable,” says Mercado, a student at Pine Manor College. “They last longer, the software updates will not send you to a mental institution and most of the hardware is plug and play (no driver to download, and no weird voodoo rituals to perform hoping you downloaded the right driver).”
However, some students have been PC users all their lives, and can’t imagine straying away from the familiarity of PC settings.
“[A] PC is all I’ve ever had,” says Shannon Kennedy, a graduate of Regis College and Worcester State University. “I’ve never owned or worked with a Mac. I’ve had my PC for about 10 years now, knock on wood.”
Some long-time PC users, like Amanda LaFantasie, struggle with the new Windows 8 program.
“I’m typically a PC girl,” says LaFantasie, a student at Pine Manor College. “I admire the qualities of a Mac, but I don’t know that I will venture away from my beloved PCs. I like the operating systems. Except Windows Eight…I hate “Eight” at the moment.”
Eileen Jones, another student at Pine Manor College, said that Mac settings are even more confusing to her.
“An old boyfriend [of mine] needed a Mac because he was a graphic design major, and it confused me,” Jones says. “I’ve always had PCs and I love them, but that might just be because I’m used to them.”
While some students declared a strong preference, other see gray when it comes to picking a Mac or a PC.
Lauren Jones says that both Macs and PCs serve a purpose in her laptop-life.
“It depends on what I’m working on,” says Jones, a graduate of Pine Manor College. “My next computer will likely be a PC because they’re so much cheaper up front, but I love my Macbook…Basically I prefer a big, ol’ giant faced Mac for art stuff and PC laptop for business/writing.”
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