Spring is here, nature is getting greener.
And so is the technology.
The month of May will focus on green technologies and initiatives that are happening in higher education.
Environmentally-friendly technologies are catching fire because they often offer dual, green benefits for a college and the environment – green output for the atmosphere, and green in colleges’ wallets.
From solar panels and biomass boilers to 3D printing and software solutions, we’ve got great case studies that demonstrate eco-friendly leaders in higher education.
Some of the categories we cover include:
• How to “grow” a green culture on campus with technology
• The benefits of a carbon-neutral campus
• Buying considerations before going solar
• How software can decrease paper usage
• The pluses of purchasing a 3D printer
I hope these stories will help your college decide if green technology is the way to go on your campus, and what its potential ROI will be.
The 214 solar panels installed on King’s College campus this past December is expected to generate $500,000 worth of electricity over the panels’ 20 year life span.
In other news, HigherEdTD will be attending the 9th annual University Conference on Teaching, Learning and Technology on the UMass Boston campus.
The conference will provide opportunities for higher education end users to share teaching tactics with their peers.
The conference will also hold numerous educational sessions for attendees on topics including:
• Online courses
• Mobile technology
• Students with special needs
• Pedagogies of engagement
• Use of classroom technologies and classroom capture
• Game-based learning
• Student collaboration in the classroom
University Conference on Teaching, Learning and Technology will be held on May 18, 2015 at the Ryan Lounge on the UMass Boston campus, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To register for the event, click here.
I hope this month’s content gets your college energized and ready to close the school year with new initiatives for the fall.
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