A new accessory for AtlasIED hidden speakers blocks dust and other particles from entering a room through speaker grilles.
Available as a separate cover (SHS-CVR) or included with AtlasIED’s SHS strategically hidden speaker (SHS-6T2CVR), the durable rubber cover offers a simple, affordable solution for any environment where clean air quality is of paramount importance, such as dust-sensitive manufacturing and testing facilities with “cleanroom type” requirements. The covered SHS speaker can be calibrated so that announcements and paging maintain a high level of clarity and coverage.
The SHS-CVR cleanroom speaker cover installs easily over the opening of the SHS strategically hidden speaker to create a barrier between the building plenum, where particles exist, and the room environment. The SHS-CVR can be ordered as a separate accessory or included with the SHS-6T2 strategically hidden speaker as a kit (SHS-6T2CVR).
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“We designed the cleanroom speaker cover to help hospitals, medical and pharmaceutical facilities, manufacturing, and other facilities provide intelligible notifications to spaces where ensuring clean indoor air quality is necessary,” says AtlasIED President, John Ivey. “The SHS-CVR and SHS-6T2CVR offer dealers the added benefit of being easy to install and visually unobtrusive.”
AtlasIED’s SHS-CVR cleanroom speaker cover and SHS-6T2CVR strategically hidden speaker with included cleanroom cover are currently available. To see how easily the SHS-CVR installs, watch the video above.
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