My TechDecisions Podcast – Episode 56, Author D. Greg Scott
Host Jonathan Blackwood talks to D. Greg Scott, Author of “Virus Bomb,” about commercial ransomware attacks and cybersecurity best practices.

In this episode of My TechDecisions Podcast, host and TD Managing Editor Jonathan Blackwood interviews D. Greg Scott, Author of “Bullseye Breach: Anatomy of an Electronic Break-In” and “Virus Bomb.” The focus of the interview is malware, how malware plays into ransomware, and some best practices and policies for better cybersecurity in commercial environments.
Greg Scott is a veteran of the cybersecurity industry. From his bio page:
I’m a veteran of the tumultuous IT industry. After surviving round after round of layoffs at Digital Equipment Corporation, a large computer company in its day, I branched out on my own in 1994 and started Scott Consulting. A larger firm bought Scott Consulting in 1999, just as the dot com bust devastated the IT Service industry. A glutton for punishment, I went out on my own again in late 1999 and started Infrasupport Corporation, this time with a laser focus on infrastructure and security. In late summer, 2015, after “Bullseye Breach” was published, I accepted a job offer with Red Hat, Inc. an enterprise software company.
Greg Scott is passionate about cybersecurity, so much so that he decided to create fiction novels about the subject in order to better help spread awareness to the laymen. He values the opportunity to go into companies and help them prepare the workforce to be the first line of defense against a cyberattack.
In the discussion, D. Greg Scott first explains the dangers and pitfalls of malware. He talks about the types of attacks used to spread malware, why employees fall for these attacks, and what they can do to an organization. He also goes into ransomware attacks, and how they differ from typical malware.
The discussion then pivots into the strongest way to combat such attacks – strategy and training of the layment workforce. Scott gives tips for training employees to avoid such attacks, strategies for continuing and upgrading training, and more.
Anyone interested in learning more about cybersecurity, particularly malware and ransomware, should give this interview a listen.
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Listen to My TechDecisions Podcast – Episode 56, Author D. Greg Scott
Format: MP3
Length: 31:31
Filesize: 22 MB
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