My TechDecisions Podcast – Episode 55, Matthew Andriani of MazeBolt
Host Jonathan Blackwood talks to Matthew Andriani of MazeBolt about phishing attacks, DDoS attacks, strategy for cybersecurity, and more.
In this episode of My TechDecisions Podcast, host and TD Managing Editor Jonathan Blackwood speaks with Matthew Andriani, Founder and CEO of MazeBolt, about the importance of strategy and training for cybersecurity, phishing, DDoS, and more.
Matthew Andriani was recently names one of Israel’s 50 leading cybersecurity executives by Tel Aviv University’s Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center (ICRC) and IVC Online, a leading data source and business information company in Israel’s high-tech industry. Matthew’s vision for MazeBolt is to bring customers an unbiased, vendor neutral, clear and realistic picture of their cyber security posture.
Matthew emphasizes that through MazeBolt the customer’s defensive security posture will be evaluated through a sound testing platform and methodology, and not by simply theoretical analysis.
On the basis of considerable past experience, Matthew understood that relying only on a range of defensive security products is ineffective in todays world. What is needed rather is a dynamic plan of continuous proactive testing and configuration fine tuning of defensive products, guided by a knowledgeable and an experienced professional security partner. Since its founding, many companies have bought into Matthew’s vision and today many small and large enterprise companies rely on MazeBolt’s technology to validate and strengthen their resistance to cyber attacks.
Prior to founding MazeBolt, Matthew held various managerial, research and engineering roles in Radware, Corrigon and Checkpoint Technologies.
Matthew discusses much of these thoughts in today’s interview. Focusing on phishing attacks, and the DDoS attacks, he explains how important it is to develop a strategy for cybersecurity attacks. He explains how technology is the first force that allows you to detect attacks, but without the proper response plan the technology can’t do all the work. He also stresses training for employees, and discusses specifics on when and how you should be training employees.
Anyone interested in bolstering their cybersecurity efforts should give this interview a listen.
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Listen to My TechDecisions Podcast – Episode 55, Matthew Andriani of MazeBolt
Format: MP3
Length: 34:24
Filesize: 21 MB
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