My TechDecisions Podcast Episode 189: Navigating Cybersecurity, Innovation Paradoxes
Bobbie Stempfley, VP and business unit security officer at Dell, joins the podcast to discuss 5 security paradoxes facing modern enterprises.

On this episode of the My TechDecisions Podcast, we speak with Bobbie Stempley, vice president and business unit security officer at Dell, about five paradoxes that exist within cyberseucrity in the modern computing era.
According to Stempley, we now live in a software-defined world, which is making cybersecurity issues that have been around for decades more prevalent than ever before. She covers the paradoxes in a recent blog, and dives more in-depth into them in the interview.
Stempfley’s paradoxes include:
- Security vs. innovation
- The software defined-everything future is here vs. Software’s inherent vulnerability
- Boundaries vs. “perimeterless” security
- Security compliance vs. risk management
- Responsibility for one vs. culpability of all
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