Each week, TechDecisions brings you the latest cyber security news on cyberattacks and who got hacked from around the internet.
Cyber security is becoming a main issue for many companies, and our weekly feature is a good example of why.
Every week there are multiple stories of people, businesses, and products being hacked for fun, for money, and sometimes for evil.
Luckily for you, knowing the enemy is half the battle. In order to prevent getting hacked in the future, you need to understand who got hacked in the past. Cyber security is a constantly evolving threat to any organization, and even individuals.
Make sure to check out a couple of pieces of content to gain a better understanding of cyber security, and how cyberattacks are carried out.
- The Ultimate Guide to Corporate Cyber Security– Cyber security can be confusing, but after reading our article you’ll be in the clear and ready to stay safe.
- How Does a Cyber Attack Work?– Hacking and cyberattacks are threats that should concern every company. Here’s how they work.
- What is the Worst Case Scenario for Cyber Attacks?– Cyberattacks can have serious implications at the individual, company, and country-wide level.
After reading these pieces of content you’ll understand how cyber security works and get a better idea of how these weekly cyberattacks are working. Only by being equipped with the right information can any organization hope to protect themselves against the constant threats out there.
Each week we’ll be sure to get you the information so you know what cyberattacks are going on around the country and around the world.
This week includes:
- FBI warns of ATM malware attack that could steal millions
- Users report bizarre Instagram hack
- Researchers create artificial intelligence powered malware
- And more!
Click here to find out who got hacked this week, August 17, 2018.
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