File sharing and cloud storage management provider Box announced new anti-ransomware capabilities and other new features at Boxworks 2021.
Box Shield is the company’s security product that’s integrated within its platform. The latest feature expands its ability to detect and identify sophisticated malware and hard-to-detect ransomware in real-time as files are uploaded to the Box.
The company says Box Shield “will leverage deep learning technology and external threat intelligence to analyze files and stop sophisticated malware before it causes business disruption.”
Customers will now have an additional layer of security that looks inside of individual files to identify malware and then automatically clears the file or blocks the spread of malware.
Read: How To Protect Against Macro-Based Malware
BoxShield has already scanned over 48 billion files a year, according to a statement from Box.
In addition, Box Shield will be able to the following:
- Recognize malicious traits inside content in near real-time by leveraging the latest deep learning models to provide customers with broader coverage of sophisticated malware.
- Extend malware detection to active content in Box as users upload, update, download, preview, share, copy or move content to reduce the risk of malware infection by scanning both new and historical content.
- Analyze external content that is accessed by managed users to expand protection to content that is shared with an organization from an external source.
- Allow admins to occasionally override threat verdicts for low-risk content to avoid disrupting business workflows.
Admins will also be able to receive detailed alerts with context explaining why the machine learning algorithm has deemed certain behaviors risky. IT admins can use the data to investigate the anomalous behavior and provide feedback to train underlying algorithms for their company.
Boxshield also announced a new auto-classification system that applies labels to files on the content inside the file, allowing Box customers to discover and label sensitive files at scale, such as personally identifiable information.
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