As a technology manager or end user it’s tough to decide what type of technology we need for our organization. There’s just so much out there, and when it comes to large projects with high costs we don’t want to buy a system that will just sit and gather dust in the office. It can be a scary proposition to put your reputation on the line and convince key stakeholders to purchase a commercial technology solution. It could also earn you a huge raise or even a promotion if done right.
There’s risk/reward in any monetary endeavor you pitch to your company. When it comes to technology, the nice thing is that with enough research and a good installation problem you can mitigate the risk and boost the reward. All you have to do is understand the technology needs of your office, speak to the employees that will use the system, and reach out to an installer with the exact needs that you’re looking to fill.
We’ll help you get started. My TechDecisions has created a comprehensive program on every type of technology you could think of installing in your office. We spoke to working AV integrators, IT providers, and Security installers to get the inside scoop on how these technologies can help your organization. From digital signage, to IT hardware, to surveillance systems and more, check out our slideshow to get ideas of how you can improve your office or organization with commercial technology solutions.
When you’ve made your decision, we can help with that process too. Download The Technology Manager’s Guide to Creating a Technology RFP to get information straight from installers on creating a technology request for proposal that will get you the right solution with the least amount of hassle. Save yourself time and money by preparing and understand the installation process before you reach out to installer partners.
Check out the slideshow and get some ideas, then download our resources to get all of the information you need for a successful project. You’ll be the most popular person in the office – and get the recognition from the higher-ups – when you help implement technology that takes your office from behind the times to cutting edge.
Click here to view the slideshow and get started on your commercial technology journey!

This new guide will show you how to structure your RFP so you get the maximum return on investment for your budget.
The Technology Manager's Guide to Creating a Technology RFP.If you enjoyed this article and want to receive more valuable industry content like this, click here to sign up for our digital newsletters!
There is certainly a lot to know about this issue.
I really like all of the points you made.
I hope that this is the right decision for me because I have been having trouble with my WiFi it wouldn’t stay on so I thank you very much for your help